Free Photo of Box And Label
Once we receive package at our warehouse we take a FREE photo of package and label so you can see sender’s name and address. You can double check that this is your correct package.

Content Photo Request
Content photos are very useful to check if the seller sent you the correct items. For example, you can see if all items are included. If you choose 10 Content photos we will also take photos of size labels on shoes or clothes. That way you will see if everything was shipped to you in the correct size. The 3 photos option will just give you a general idea about the products included (usually just one photo or up to three if more items are included in the package).
The price for 3 photos is $2, for 10 photos it’s $5. For details see our pricing.
Special Requests
You can request us to divide the package into multiple ones so you can send it to your customers, or remove some items for returning to the store, or forgot what you order and we can check for you too, or need extra bubble wrap and security tape? We can also check if items are in working order. Just write to us what you’d like us to do for the package in the warehouse, we’ll do our best to help you.
Secure Packing
We use only top-quality boxes to prevent damage to your packages.