Today, we are going to introduce you to something for what you have been waiting for a really long time. But before that, let’s start with some history of Planet Express. ?
Planet Express has been founded in June 2017 by a former employee of Shipito, one of our biggest competitors.
Since the beginning, we are telling our customers that we want to be the best and the biggest package forwarder on a market. In the beginning, it could sound like a joke, but we still believed that we can beat all our competitors! During a celebration of our 2nd anniversary, we have published some data about our growth which showed that in the last year, the amount of sent packages has increased by 300 %! ? Although we provide one of the best shipping rates on a market, fast processing, and professional customer support, there was the last thing which was slowing our grown down – Californian warehouse with sales tax.
We are very excited to announce that today, we have opened a new sales-tax-free warehouse in Oregon! ?
This means no more sales-tax when shipping via Planet Express!

Starting today you can choose from two warehouses to take advantage of fast shipping from California or sales tax-free shopping in Oregon.
The Oregon warehouse address is available for premium users only. The premium plan costs $10/month or $50/year. Thanks to having two warehouse options, there is no reason to choose any of our competitors! ?

Sales Tax
The biggest advantage of Oregon is very clear – it’s sales tax-free state. Sales tax is a tax applied on purchases of new products and it is calculated based on the location where the package is sent. Sales tax is not included in the price so don’t be surprised if you see sales tax added during checkout. The sales tax in Oregon is 0 %, so a price you see at the shop is always final – no sales tax will be added.

California vs. Oregon
Even it can look like Oregon is way better than California, it is not always true. The Californian warehouse is close to LAX which makes shipping from California faster and cheaper. If you ship from Oregon, it takes an average of 1-3 business days more in comparison with California.
Sales tax is not applied to used items, so if you buy something used on eBay, it’s better to use Californian address because of cheaper and faster shipping. Last but not least, you can ship alcohol from Californian warehouse only.
We hope that you are so excited about the new warehouse-like we are! It’s a huge step which is going to make Planet Express #1 choice for everybody!?
Because the new warehouse has just been opened, please be tolerant if the processing of packages will take a little bit longer than usual. ? Also, FedEx is currently the only Oregon shipping method available. We are going to add new carriers in a few days.
It needs some time to optimize all processing and integrate all carriers, so thank you so much for understanding! ?
Your Planet Express ❤️