Shopping is very popular in the UK, and sellers know that. They offer a large variety of high-quality goods in their online stores. But, some of them may not offer international shipping so if you want to order from them, it may be difficult to get the products to your country.
But not with us – thanks to our package forwarding service, you can place an order, for example from Russia, Japan or even Australia, and let us deliver the goods to your doorstep!
Note: Most of the sellers in the UK offers international delivery to the EU and to major markets like the US, Canada, Japan, etc. Usually, smaller international delivery to smaller countries is not supported.
The main question is, what stores are worth it? We made the hard work for you and selected one of the best UK online stores you can buy from.
BREXIT: Until the end of 2020, trade relations between the UK and the European Union will be the same. We will inform you in advance about changes planned since 2021.
All in One Online Stores is an excellent choice for people that don’t mind buying second-hand goods. For example, you can find cheap iPhones there. The iPhone 11 Pro 64 GB starts around 750£. Just make sure you check the reviews of the seller in advance and the condition of the item to prevent being scammed.
Debenhams is a very old brand from the 18th century. They sell fashion, lingerie, beauty, home & furniture, electronics, and other products. We especially recommend their sale section with savings of up to 86%. It’s crazy, right? Free delivery across the UK is available for orders above 50£.
We guess everybody knows The main point here is that they sell probably everything you can think of. So if you are from Europe, the UK Amazon may be a better choice for you than the US one due to lower shipping rates. You also don’t have to pay for customs.
(Luxury) Fashion & Shoes
The UK is well known for its (luxury) fashion brands like Burberry, Stella McCartney, Lulu Guinness, Paul Smith, Next, Asos and many more. We have selected the following stores you should not miss.
H&M is a famous retail chain store known across the world. However, their offer of styles varies depending on the country you shop from. This means you get different selections of goods in the UK than you get in the US. For shopping the UK styles, make sure you visit the UK website.
Clarks is a world-famous shoe brand founded in 1825 that is sold on the biggest markets in the world including the UK, the US, Germany, Canada, Japan, and others. They offer shoes of all styles (formal, casual, trainers) for women, men, and children, of course.
Warehouse London offers a huge selection of cheap fashion for women only. Feel free to shop dresses, tops, coats, knitwear, trousers, and accessories, with up to 75% off. For example, the following dress now costs 38£ (discounted from 69£).
Free delivery (across the UK): For orders above 60£
The UK Themed Goods
If you are a so-called “UK lover” you should definitely consider buying some UK themed souvenirs like Harrods Union Jack bear, key chains with a cult red London buses/telephone box or a hat. London Hut is a place to go. is also a good online store for buying the UK themed shirts, socks, coats, tops and much more.
The UK Tea
Did you know that the United Kingdom produces tea? Maybe you heard of the Whittard. Their teas won 22 taste awards in recent years. Today, they offer delivery to more than 50 countries around the world. So if you belong to the ones that are not on their list, feel free to take advantage of our package forwarding service.

UK Tea from
Of course, Amazon has a section where you can buy English tea from different manufacturers. Just make sure its origin is in the UK and it is not a tea imported from Asia, for example.
Household Items & Furniture
From time to time, everybody finds some household items that would improve the well being at your house/apartment. The environment around us is very important so why not make it better? In the following stores, you can shop for household items & furniture.
For more demanding consumers, there is Aram – the seller of modern furniture. Of course, shipping of large sofa to another side of the world would be highly expensive, however, you can always grab some lamp, lighting, and accessories. We, at Planet Express, handle packages with maximum care. We can also repack your package if you want to so we prevent the contents from breaking.
At Wilko, you will find everything you need in your household and even in your garden. And if you have a pet, Wilko offers a large selection of pet toys too!
We also cannot miss Argos, Conran shop and The Range in our list. They all offer different styles of furniture and household accessories so it is only a matter of your taste and style which one will you prefer.
Cadbury’s Chocolate
Cadbury is the most famous UK chocolate. To be honest with you, we did not try it yet, however, our next shipment from the UK will definitely contain at least one bar of this chocolate delicacy.

Beauty Products
The name of this store may confuse you however, Boots doesn’t sell shoes as you would expect. You will find beauty and cosmetics products in their portfolio.
Crabtree Evelyn
At Crabtree & Evelyn you will find luxury bath, body & hair care products that are not cheap but the quality is great. According to some shoppers, the Crabtree & Evelyn hand cream belongs to one of the best in the world. Well, maybe you can prove them right, what do you think?

Children Products & Toys
Motherhood Items
Do you expect a baby? Congratulations! You may find the following two stores useful. Jojo Maman Bébé and Mamas & Papas both offer products that you will take advantage of during your maternity. And if you are in a phase of preparations for the unborn boy or girl, these stores will definitely have everything you need for him or her.

If you look for some toys for your kids, make sure you visit Hamleys & The Toy Shop online stores. These stores belong to one of the most popular in the UK. They sell toys from brands like Lego, Ravensburger, Schleich, and many more.
Currys PC World is like the US BestBuy. They specialize in electronics (laptops, printers, phones, cameras…). Thanks to their size, they have a lot of customer reviews so you can avoid electronics that are not worth it.

Carphone Warehouse
The last store on our list is the Carphone Warehouse. Kind of weird name for a store, right? However, it has no influence on Carphone Warehouse’s popularity. They belong to the top 5 electronics online stores in the UK. So if you won’t find something at Currys, you will find it at this warehouse.
Make sure you visit our List of UK online stores website where you will find step by step guides on how to order from the online and use package forwarding service to get the goods to your country.