Did you know that Nike offers different products in the USA than in other markets? We are going to share with you a list of US online stores that sells Nike sneakers, clothing, and other accessories, so you can enjoy the wides selection of Nike products.
If you live outside of the USA, don’t worry, there is a way how to order products from the USA to any country, even if the online stores don’t offer international shipping. We explain how it works at the end of this post.

The first online store you should visit is Nike. Just make sure you set the location to the USA to take advantage of their whole offer. Btw. their Clearance Outlet section is also worth your attention. You can shop for the newest products and limited editions. ‘But hey, Nike USA don’t ship internationally?! How am I supposed to get my package to my country?’ Yes, you are right. Nike USA doesn’t ship internationally and they don’t ship to package forwarding companies either. However, you can use our Shop For Me service. We can place an order for you and deliver the package from the USA to your country – here is how it works.

Foot Locker USA is another popular online store, especially if you love sneakers because their offer is really, really wide! Unfortunately for Europeans, due to GDPR, Foot Locker USA is not available in Europe unless you use a VPN service (you can access their international website ‘only’). However, your effort will be rewarded. You will get access to thousands of different sneakers. If you won’t be able to find a pair of Nike’s you like here, then you probably won’t find them anywhere.

We have introduced Finish Line in one of our previous articles (Where to buy sneakers). And we have to include this online store again because they offer more than 2000 Nike products. You can take advantage of plenty of product reviews on their website and free US shipping for orders above $30.

Of course, Amazon USA cannot be forgotten. They sell almost everything, and Nike products are no exception. The truth is that the selection of Nike products on Amazon is not as wide as somewhere else but the prices are very reasonable. And if the international shipping from Amazon USA is not available for you, you can always order from Amazon with our package forwarding service.
Nike USA Shipping FAQ
Ordering Nike products from the USA to any country can be difficult sometimes. Planet Express package forwarding service makes it easier for you.
There are US online stores that don’t offer international shipping. This means that you either have to order from their international websites that have often very limited offers, or use a package forwarding service like Planet Express. Our service works in 3 steps:
1. You get a free address in the USA so you can order goods from the USA online stores.
2. Once we receive your orders, you will get a notification email from us.
3. You select the delivery method from the USA to your country.
You can shop for Nike from these US stores…
There is a solution to this limitation too! You can use Planet Express ‘Shop For Me’ service. We order the goods for you and then we forward it to your country.
Read our full guide on How to order from Nike.com USA…
The price of the shipping depends mainly on the weight and dimensions of your package, the delivery method you choose, and the country of delivery.
Feel free to calculate the price for your package with our postage calculator.