Do you belong among the fans of Spiderman, Iron Man, Avengers, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, and other Marvel Comics characters? In that case, you are more than right here! We will not talk about the history of individual characters because we will show you how to order Marvel merchandise quickly and easily – in other words, T-shirts, hats, sweatshirts, coasters, and other Marvel-themed items that are not shipped worldwide from the official online store in the US.
How To Order Marvel Merchandise?
We divided the ordering of Marvel merchandise into 3 simple steps. Just read our instructions carefully and order for example a t-shirt with your favorite hero or heroine today.

Step 1 – Getting Your US Address
Why do you need the US we will explain in the following step. Now we will briefly describe, how to get one.
Create a new account on our registration page. In order to activate your address, you need to confirm your email address and add a $5 deposit. We collect this deposit for one simple reason and this is prevention. In the past, our service has been abused by fraudsters. This measure dramatically reduced their number. It is also important to note that you will not lose your $5 because this value will be added as shipping credit to your account.
The address is free of charge in the Free package plan. However, if you want to use the consolidation service, you have to upgrade your account to the Premium Mail Box plan ($10/month).
Step 2 – Ordering From The
Although Marvel’s popularity is worldwide, the Marvel online store doesn’t offer international shipping to all countries. Below, you can see a list of the countries where the goods are not delivered by

Once you select the items at, put it into your cart and fill in the contact details like in the following example:

It is important to enter your unique suite number (#A****) that you get after registering and paying a $5 deposit (which is credited so you will not lose it). We also met with the problem of writing a phone number in the correct format. The number must be filled in in the following format xxx-xxx-xxxx. Otherwise, the form will not let you take the next step, which is the payment.
You can pay only with a credit card at the Marvel online store. No other payment method is available. Also, make sure you have online payments enabled at your internet banking.
Step 3 – Forwarding The Package From The US Anywhere In The World
Upon successful order and payment, you only have to wait about 4-5 days (this type of delivery costs around $6 across the US, but for orders over $50 it is free) before the order arrives at our warehouse (your US address). You will be notified of the successful receipt of the order by our notification email, which will be delivered to your email address you filled in during the registration.
The package will appear in the “Current Packages In Account” tab. Click on this tab. A list of packages will appear. For newly arrived packages, a customs declaration is required. The Customs Declaration is a document that has to be filled in due to the customs clearance process. If your package is checked by customs officers, it will make it easier for them and the package will get to you a few days faster. Therefore, the declaration should describe the contents of the package, its value, origin, and whether it contains batteries or not.

Once the declaration is completed, you will be allowed to send (Mailout) the package. We offer 2 sending options – normal and priority (your package will be moved to the beginning of the queue and sent between the firsts). For both options, there is a so-called handling/mailout fee ($2), which is a handling fee for the package, the priority shipping is charged +$3.
Inspiration At The End – Get Your Favorite Hero
Collector’s Collection Of Statues

The Remarkable Kitchen World Of The Captain America

Cool T-Shirts With Your Favorite Hero

Source of product pictures –