Package consolidation is one of the ways how to save even more money on international shipping. Consolidation means merging several packages into one. We offer package consolidation for our premium members only, so make sure you activate it before you try to place a consolidation request.
How to Place Consolidation Request?
To consolidate packages read the instructions below.
Log in to your account and complete the customs declaration for the packages you want to consolidate. Select these packages by clicking the opt-in boxes. Once you finish the selection, click on the green button that will appear in the bottom left corner.
![image 4](
Select the type of consolidation. We offer 3 types of consolidation:
[1] Keep out side box – We leave packages as they are and merge them in one.
[2] Keep retail packaging – We remove the seller’s packaging. This leaves only the product in its original packaging (recommended).
[3] Remove all Packaging – We also remove packaging from the manufacturer, so we send the products only.
![image 7](
At the end of the page there is a Special Request option for $5, this is where you will put information on specific needs you have for the consolidated package. (Example: remove invoices, provide specific photos of an item, Etc). If you need your packages consolidated onto a pallet you will put that in the special request section. Please keep in mind that it will be an extra $40 charge for a pallet.
Package Consolidation FAQ
Package consolidation is one of the ways how to save even more money on international shipping. Consolidation means merging several packages into one.
The consolidation costs $5 flat fee + $2 for every consolidated package. This means that if you want to consolidate 3 packages, you will pay $5+3×$2=$11.
Please, remember, to consolidate packages, you have to activate the Premium Mail Box.
The savings you can get thanks to consolidation are very individual. Everything depends on how well the packages are packaged. If there is a lot of packing material and empty space, you can save a lot of money (up to 80 %). Sometimes, consolidation may not pay off because you won’t be able to use shipping methods that are limited by size & weight.